Our Services

Recruitment & Selection

  • MGR Human Resources has a successful track record of placements across sectors
  • As a first step we proceed with an extensive database search and we initiate networking activities in the market. We will typically need a few working days to conclude our search and networking activity and revert with candidates. If required, a job description is prepared and posted on our dedicated website and other electronic media
  • Our fee is always a once-off success fee and is only payable upon signing of a relevant contract with any one of the candidates introduced by us to the client

HR Function Outsourcing

  • MGR can undertake specific HR functions and operate as your internal HR function
  • This service can be bundled with Exelsys HR Software Solution providing electronic and practical application of your HR operations
  • Analysis and evaluation of the existing data, challenges, objectives and priorities of the Organisation, as well as evaluation of the existing HRMD practices
  • Preparation of a detailed and targeted Action Plan, which will focus on key HRMD areas and respective actions required

Short-term and fixed-term Placements

  • MGR Human Resources Ltd has a successful track record in Temporary placements
  • Currently servicing the largest Temporary placements contract in Cyprus
  • Also servicing a number of other Temporary placements contracts
  • Dedicated team of experienced professionals dealing with Temporary placement contracts
  • We are available 24/7
  • Provide administrative support
  • Address any issues if they arise

Diagnostic Studies (HR Audits)

  • Conduction of an initial diagnostic study in order for MGR to assess the current status of HRMD practices in place, as well as invite feedback from members of staff on particular needs and key areas of focus and/or concern.
  • MGR reviews the existing HR policies in place
  • A representative sample of members of staff is then selected and invited for a personal interview/discussion on topics that will include, amongst other:
    • Clarity of the Organisation’s Vision and Objectives
    • Induction & On-boarding effectiveness
    • Learning & Development opportunities
    • Performance management
    • Engagement and brand identity
    • Organisation’s Cultural characteristics
    • Communication and Transparency
    • Organisation and HR practices in place
  • Upon completion, a feedback report determining areas of strength, as well as areas for further development is submitted to the Organisation’s Project Steering Committee and it forms the basis on which HR priorities will be agreed going forward

Executive coaching and Management team training

  • We improve management effectiveness by addressing topics such as:
    • Emotional intelligence in the workplace
    • Understanding working styles
    • Effectively managing professional relationships
    • Managing Performance
    • Coaching and Providing constructive feedback
    • Understanding different cultures and mentalities
    • Communicating and negotiating
  • We also offer a HR holistic course on Effective Human Resource Management practices, covering:
    • Energising, motivating and building commitment in members of staff
    • Corporate identity and how this is perceived by members of staff
    • Objective Performance Management
    • Incentives to members of staff
    • Management effectiveness
    • Recognising and Managing talented members of staff
    • Optimising organisational structures

Investors in People (IIP) implementation and accreditation

  • The only internationally recognised framework and the benchmark for good practices in the area of Human Resources Management and Development (HRMD)
  • Organisations that succeed in becoming accredited with Investors in People are considered ‘Employers of Choice’ and they attract more talented professionals to work for them
    • MGR can conduct an HR/IIP diagnostic study to assess the current status of HRMD practices in place, as well as invite feedback from members of staff on particular needs and key areas of focus and then work with the Organisation to prepare for IIP assessment and accreditation

Formation of Talent Academies

Development centres for Talented members of staff:

  • On an annual or bi-annual basis, identify the most talented members of staff across hierarchical levels
  • Maintain their motivation and engagement levels and prepare them for succession planning purposes for key positions
    • Assess this pool of talented professionals for the role they perform, for promotion purposes or for change of duties, through custom individual development centres
    • We design custom development centres that are meant to assess an individual’s capabilities (skills, abilities, behaviours and knowledge) and determine a personal development plan for them
    • The development centres typically last 3-5 hours for each individual and include
      • Reasoning and numerical exercises
      • Operational scenarios analysis
      • Case study exercises
      • Role plays
    • Assesment is carried out by a panel of at least 2 (two) assessors
    • A detailed report is provided for each participant

Assessment Centres for underperforming members of staff:

  • Similar as per development centres but with an aim to determine if the specific individual can improve their performance or if they do not have the potential to perform at the expected level
  • Can be individual or Group assessment centres

Training and Development of all members of staff across functions:

  • In collaboration with EIMF and its available courses:
    • Use of an online platform and take e-learning courses
    • Available classroom-style seminars
    • Gamification tools

Assessing and Enhancing corporate culture and people’s engagement

  • It is widely accepted that organisational culture affects organisational performance
  • Our alternative offering to costly cultural audits, is research driven empirical validation through our research associates, TOPRCI’s Organisational Effectiveness Survey (OES)
  • Provision of advanced statistical and modeling techniques, that isolate eight (8) complementary cultural characteristics found to affect organisational performance. Namely:
    • Knowledge Management
    • Quality driven culture
    • Technology driven culture
    • Support for creativity
    • Open communication
    • Respect
    • Integrity
    • Change driven culture
  • The most critical factors analysed and taken into consideration are:
    • Organisational competitiveness
    • Innovation
    • Productivity and Quality
    • Customer satisfaction and loyalty
    • Leadership and management effectiveness
    • Talent attraction and retention
    • Employee engagement
    • Adaptation to change
    • Technology assimilation
    • Response to Threats and Opportunities


  • The Organisational Effectiveness Survey (OES) will allow you to
    • Diagnose whether you have a High Performance Culture (HPO), and if needed,
    • Introduce with MGR’s help, culture management and transformational initiatives based on predictive data and analytics
      • Develop and implement action plans
      • Directly target the areas needing improvement/change
    • Keep the generated data as a benchmark for future reference and comparison


UpAGear Team Peformance Improvement

MGR in partnership with MPI Learning (UK) offers our clients, UpAGear, the leading methodology for transforming teams. UpAGearprogram provides organisations with insight as to why team performance may not be optimal, an opportunity to gain a better understanding of their team and unlock their true potential, and ultimately managing to perform to international standards.

Your team can benefit from a successful performance improvement methodology and by having professional team coaching on a consistent basis.

We can help you with your individual needs:

We work with your most important human assets and teams on the forefront of your business, in a business-focussed way and with a structured process, to ensure they deliver your corporate objectives while also delivering your vision for the future. UpAGear has transformed team performance at reputable organisations in the UK and elsewhere in the world.

  • Research and feedback – Preparation & meet the team
  • Launch workshop – Framework 4 Action, create the plan
  • Monthly reviews – UOnline & Team Development.

By utilising UpAGear’s UOnline system software, a consistent focus is achieved on the spotlighted areas that are key to breakthroughs and success. This has the powerfully galvanizing effect of encouraging the team to communicate, share resource, and collaborate.